How to access elements from a tuple in Python?

A tuple in python is: 

  • an ordered sequence, iterable, immutable
  • heterogeneous collection of Python objects
  • generally defined  using parenthesis ()
  • elements separated by comma inside the parenthesis.

Tuple allows:

  • indexing
  • repetition. 
  • Nesting. 

They can store values of different types.

Fig: Accessing Elements from a tuple in Python
Fig: Accessing Elements from a tuple

Create a tuple without using round brackets

>>>my_tuple = 0,1,2,3,4,5


type: <class 'tuple'> 

Create a tuple of numbers 

>>>my_tuple = (1,2,3,4,5,6) 



Creating tuple of mixed data types:number, string, list

>>>my_tuple = (12, "Binary", [21,"Study",23]) 


(12, "Binary", [21,"Study",23]) 

Creating a nested tuple 

>>>my_tuple = ((1,2,3), ("binary", "Study")) 

Access Elements from a Tuple 

Python provides us various mechanism to select a single or a range of elements. We can use indexing, reverse indexing and slicing to access elements from a tuple in Python. Let's discuss the these three ways in detail:

1. Accessing Tuple Elements Using Indexing

Simplest is direct access where we use index operator [ ] to pick an item from tuple; the index is always an integer. 

>>>my_tuple = ('a','e','i','o','u') 

>>>print("The tuple:", my_tuple, "Length:", len(my_tuple)) 

# output 

The tuple: ('a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u') Length: 5 

Indexing the first element

>>>print("my_tuple[0]:", my_tuple[0]) 

my_tuple[0: a 

Indexing the last element 

>>>print("my_tuple[length-1]:", my_tuple[len(my_tuple) - 1]) 

my_tuple[length-1]: u

Accessing a non-existent member will raise Error 



except Exception as ex: 

    print("my_tuple[length+1] Error:", ex) 

# output 

my_tuple[length+1] Error: tuple index out of range 

Indexing a non-integer index will raise TypeErr 



except Exception as ex: 

    print("my_tuple[0.0] Error:", ex) 

# output

my_tuple[0.0] Error: tuple indices must be integers or slices, not float 

Indexing in a tuple of tuples 

>>>t_o_t = (('jan', 'feb', 'mar'), ('sun', 'mon', 'wed')) 

Accessing elements from the first sub tuple

>>>print("t_o_t[0][2]:", t_o_t[0][2]) 

# output 

t_o_t[0][2]: mar 

Accessing elements from the second sub tuple 

>>>print("t_o_t[1][2]:", t_o_t[1][2]) 

# output

t_o_t[1][2]: wed

2. Accessing Tuple Elements Using Reverse Indexing

Python tuple supports reverse indexing, i.e., accessing elements using (-ve) index values. 

Index -1 represents last item. 

An index -2 will refer to the second item from the end. 

>>> my_tuple = ('a','e','i','o','u') 

>>> my_tuple 

('a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u') 

>>> my_tuple[-1] 


>>> my_tuple[-5] 


 >>> my_tuple[-6] 

 IndexError: tuple index out of range

3. Accessing Tuple Elements Using Slicing Operator

>>> days = ('mon', 'tue', 'wed' ,'thu', 'fri', 'sat', 'sun') 

Accessing elements leaving the first one 

>>> days [1:] 

('tue', 'wed', 'thu', 'fri', 'sat', 'sun') 

Accessing elements between first & fifth positions excluding ones at ist & fifth position 

>>> days [1:5] 

('tue', 'wed', 'thu', 'fri') 

Accessing elements after the fifth position 

>>> days [5:] 

('sat', 'sun') 

accessing the first five elements 

>>> days [:5]

('mon', 'tue', 'wed', 'thu', 'fri') 

Accessing elements that appears after # counting five from rear end 

>>> days [:-5] 

('mon', 'tue') 

Accessing five elements from the rear 

>>> days [-5:] 

('wed', 'thu', 'fri', 'sat', 'sun') 

Accessing elements from the start to end (every element) 

>>> days [:] 

('mon', 'tue', 'wed', 'thu', 'fri', 'sat', 'sun')

